Some exciting announcements from Mac Brook Lamb!

Hello lovely lamb lovers!
Considering it’s nearly March (how?) I thought it’d be nice to check in with all our loyal followers and provide you with a quick update from Macintyre Brook Lamb!
Sheep can swim!
Our lambs have almost had to develop webbed feet and fins this summer! It’s been incredibly wet, which we are most grateful for as we have feed up to our eyeballs but the wet has caused its own challenges. In December our catchment (Coolmunda) was the target of a stationary storm, which sent the Macintyre Brook, the river system which runs through our property, into an enormous flood. Some reports suggest it was as big as the 1976 flood. Thankfully and miraculously all our livestock stayed safe, and the only casualty of this flood was our fences! 
I know a lot of you would like to know when our next lamb order will be! The answer is…hopefully the end of March! Thank you for your patience, I know it’s been a while, but I promise you it’ll be worth the wait! We have been busy over here making a few changes to your Macintyre Brook Lamb experience. We are moving our ordering system online! This will simplify the ordering process enormously for me and you. Stay tuned for our website launch. 
More choice
We realise everyone has different preferences when it comes to lamb cuts which is why we are now offering additional lamb box options. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to order the traditional half or full but there will be a variety of boxes to suit your needs…but you’ll have to wait until our website launch to find out what they are! 
Business decisions
Like all businesses we have had to assess the viability of ours going forward especially with a huge surge in livestock prices in recent times.  We have maintained our price point until now, but we’ve done the gross margins and we’ve come to the stark realisation that we are making less money selling our lamb direct to customers than what we would if we sold them direct to the abattoir, which if we are being honest, is a lot less work on our behalf.  To continue to offer our beautiful product to you, we have made the decision to increase the prices of our boxed lamb. We hope you can understand our decision and continue to support our little lamb business.
Thank you for being awesome
As always thank you for your continued support and keeping our dream alive of providing you with a delicious protein which is highly nutritious and produced with a strong environmental conscience. We can’t wait to take your orders very soon and bring you some exciting new lamb box options! And remember, if you love our lamb, please spread the word and help our business grow.
Kind regards,
The McInnerney family
Sophie, Adrian, Dusty, Ned and Banjo 

PS. I hope you enjoy the little collection of pics that I think sum up our summer... green grass, water and muddy kids!

Some exciting announcements from Mac Brook Lamb!
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